Alice Villela and Hidalgo Romero, 22', 2009.
A documentary filmed in the Asuriní village at Xingu in 2007 during a field research of anthropologist Alice Villela. The film is a reflection on the images captured and the narrative possibilities opened from the relationship between the documentary maker and the images. This is a poetic look on the gross material.
Direction and Editing
Director of Photography
Executive Production
Sound Drawing
Voice Off
Graphic Production
Alice Villela and
Hidalgo Romero
Alice Vilella
Thaís de Souza
Ricardo Zollner
Melissa Lopes
Leonardo Ferrari
exhibitions and awards
É TUDO VERDADE – Festival Internacional de Documentários
10º Brave Festival Against Cultural Exile 2010 (Polônia)
22º International Documentary Film of Amsterdan
10º Festival do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp – FEIA 10 (Campinas – SP)
3º Perro Loco – Festival de Cinema Latino Americano (Goiânia – GO)
5ª Mostra MOSCA (Cambuquira – MG)
Menção Honrosa na 37a. Jornada Internacional de Cinema da Bahia
Menção Honrosa no I Festival Théo Brandão de Fotografias e Filmes Etnográficos