The Rainbow House Woman
Gilberto Alexandre Sobrinho, 23', 2017
The film is about Mãe Dango, priestess of Candomblé Angola, and her trajectory of great achievements. The life of Mãe Dango is marked by the ancestry inherited from her father, who passed her the teachings of the Banta culture. Priestess of Candomblé Angola, her trajectory is about great achievements and overcoming the violent racism of the country. The Rainbow House shelters all her children and she defines it as a “quilombo”, where the “inquices” are worshiped and where it’s built one more chapter of the history of the black resistance in Brazil.
Direction and Screenplay
Gilberto Alexandre Sobrinho
Co-direction and Research
Gracia Navarro
Management Assistance
Alessandro Oliveira
Executive production
Julio Matos e Marcelo Félix
Production Director
Julio Matos
Coraci Ruiz e Felipe Bonfim
Field Production
Letizia Nicoli e Alexandre Machado
Coraci Ruiz
Assembly Assistance
Lucas Reitano
Finalization Coordination
Julio Matos
Soundtrack and sound editing
Víctor Negri
Alexandre Jardim (CTAV) e Olivia Fiusa
Color Correction
Isabela Moura
Cláudia Kfouri
Graphic design
Arthur Amaral
Production Interns
Bruna Schroder e Ana Luiza Fretta
Editing Intern
Lucas Lazzarini
exhibitions and awards
Leeds International Film Festival, 2017
Fever Festival, 2018
11th Black Cinema Meeting Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean Zózimo Bulbu, 2018
29th São Paulo International Short Film Festival - Award: Public Favorites
3rd Edition of Cine Tamoio - São Gonçalo-RJ Film Festival
VII International Audiovisual Show Enjoy the Genre, 2018 edition
11th Espejos y Espejismos - African Film Festival in Argentina, 2018
VI Itu Film Festival - hors concours - 2018
15th Edition of the Vale do Ivinhema Film Festival
SHOW X: Brazilian Films Festival - Social Awareness (USA and Brazil), 2019
Sesc Film Festival, 2019