The Enchanted Day of the Erês
Coraci Ruiz and Julio Matos, 11 MIN, 2022

In the yard there's caruru, chicken xinxim, cake and colorful bladders to decorate: it's the day to celebrate the Erês! The drum plays, bodies move, the erês hear the call and arrive to eat, dance and play. Suzy, the mother of saints who guides the ritual, is a trans woman who fights for the acceptance of LGBTQIA+ people in Candomblé and explains: "The orixá is in the energy, not in the genitalia".
Caruru, chicken xinxim, cake and bladder: it's day to celebrate the Erês! The beat of the drum sounds the call and they arrive to eat, dance and play.

Directed by: Coraci Ruiz and Julio Matos
Producers for Boundary Pictures: Zan Barberton and Scott Radnor
Producers for Laboratório Cisco: Coraci Ruiz, Hidalgo Romero and Julio Matos
Cinematography: Coraci Ruiz
Location Sound: Julio Matos and Marco Sartori
Editor: Luiza Fagá
Screenplay: Coraci Ruiz, Julio Matos, Luiza Fagá and Zan Barberton
Concept Art: Adriano Guimarães Cipriano
Motion Graphics Design: Giulia Prati
Visual Effects: Lucas Lazarini
Original Soundtrack: Alessandra Leão
Colour Grade: Tobias Rezende
Sound Design and Mixing: Augusta Gui
Drone and Additional Images: Julio Matos
Production Manager: Marcelo Félix
Production Coordinator: Bárbara Sodré
Assistant Producer: Caio Gusmão
Post Production Coordinator: Julio Matos and Lucas Lazarini
Production Interns: Maria Palazzin, Vivian Cabral and Valeska Pereira
Music Producer: Leonardo Mendes
Sound Engineer: Bruno Prado/ Ori Lab Studio
Post-production Intern: João Gabriel S. Luiz
Poster Design: Nathê Miranda
Audio Description Script: Bell Machado
Audio Description Script consultation: Felipe Mianes
Audio Description Script translation: Talita Tonso and Ashleigh Clayton
Audio Description Narration: Helena Agalenéa